NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 67th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the HONG KONG FOOTBALL REFEREES’ ASS0CIATION will be held on Saturday, 22nd August, 2015 at the Function Room of The Police Sport Recreation Club, Boundary Street, Kowloon at 7.30 p.m.



1. Opening address by the President/Chairman.

2. To Confirm Minutes of the previous AGM.

3. To Confirm Statements of Account.

4. To Confirm the proposal of the Executive Committee that Mr. Yau Tsz Yeung as Life Member

5. To elect the Office Bearers and 11 Executive Committee Members

6. Any Other Business

7. Vote of thanks to the chair.


Mr. HUI Leung-wah

President Date : 7th Aug, 2015


經執委會議決,本會第六十七屆週年同人大會,定於22/08/2015(星期六)下午 七時卅分假九龍界限街警察會會議室舉行,會後將設自助餐招待參加之會員。

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