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Verbal Abuse of Players and Official (友誼聯賽球員不檢行為)

文章發表於 : 06年2月16日13:20 週四
Verbal Abuse of Players and Officials
A number of team reps have expressed concern at recent incidents of alleged verbal abuse, and have asked for clarification of the League’s position.
I wish to draw members’ attention to League rules 51 and 52, which outline the responsibilities of team captains and managers to prevent verbal abuse of players and officials. In cases where it is found that a player or official has directed serious verbal abuse at another player or an official (including League officials), the League will take appropriate action under the rules and the disciplinary guidelines.
In this connection, the League will consider especially strong penalties in cases where verbal abuse of a racial nature is concerned. We are proud to be a multi-racial league that attracts players of all backgrounds. ExCo will adopt a “zero tolerance” policy in cases where verbal abuse of a racial nature is found to have occurred. Offenders can expect lengthy bans and heavy fines.
Should players or officials feel they have been subject to serious verbal abuse, they are encouraged to make a report to the referee for record, and to pursue their complaint with the League. I sincerely hope that we do not have to deal with any cases of this nature, and that all member teams will enjoy the remainder of the season.
Michael Johnson

Quote from www.yauyeeleague.com

友誼聯賽會主席 Michael Johnson 於賽會網站內向各參賽球員發出公告指引,將會嚴厲正視所有對裁判員或其他球員甚或賽會職員的不敬或不檢行為,凡觸犯不檢行為的參賽球隊的職球員,均會嚴懲;同時,裁判員亦應正視此等不敬行為,應予報告本會備案,待本會跟進.

文章發表於 : 06年2月16日21:33 週四
cho cole
一切明白!足總應該學習?! :smt006 :smt006 :smt006

文章發表於 : 09年9月21日21:24 週一



文章發表於 : 09年9月22日11:01 週二
Walter Lee
zero tolerance :smt002

文章發表於 : 09年9月22日11:48 週二
cho cole
有事發生??? :smt017 :smt017

文章發表於 : 09年9月22日12:06 週二
Walter Lee
:smt020 尊重球賽、裁判、球員及其他工作人員是最基本的要求。 賽會重視體育精神!

文章發表於 : 09年9月22日15:18 週二
cho cole
Walter Lee 寫::smt020 尊重球賽、裁判、球員及其他工作人員是最基本的要求。 賽會重視體育精神!

何出此文,莫非真的有事發生了! :smt017 :smt017

Re: Verbal Abuse of Players and Official (友誼聯賽球員不檢行為)

文章發表於 : 15年2月19日08:50 週四
cho cole