8 頁 (共 11 頁)

文章發表於 : 09年2月25日23:58 週三
cho cole
Walter Lee 寫:ANP lead in Disciplinary :smt005 :smt021 (3 Red 27 Yellow)

ANP Coach get how many card in this season :smt014 :smt014

文章發表於 : 09年3月2日09:06 週一

USRC今年有機 !!


文章發表於 : 09年3月2日19:47 週一
cho cole
有無機五月三日就知道 :smt013 :smt013
水準平均才看,淦X來踢都可能包尾 :smt016 :smt016

文章發表於 : 09年3月16日09:29 週一

USRC 領先四分 !!

文章發表於 : 09年3月16日16:51 週一
cho cole
仲有無得追?? :smt017 :smt017

文章發表於 : 09年3月16日21:47 週一
Walter Lee
COLTs VS USRC Both Teams were playing a exciting game last night. Fast movement and well organization. And COLTs got a penalty kick, However.....0 : 0 :smt020

文章發表於 : 09年3月17日09:04 週二
cho cole
Oh really??? nice game :smt006
Colts Loss by final PK??? :smt017 :smt017

文章發表於 : 09年3月17日09:46 週二
Walter Lee
Colts had a Great chance to win this game. Fat Gor let Colts to has a PK during 2nd half time. Anyway Colts did not catch this chance to make a goal. So the final result was 0:0. :smt003

Good Job

文章發表於 : 09年3月17日12:20 週二
Walter Lee 寫:Colts had a Great chance to win this game. Fat Gor let Colts to has a PK during 2nd half time. Anyway Colts did not catch this chance to make a goal. So the final result was 0:0. :smt003

The report format seems like the sports newspaper, and so details...GOOD JOB :smt020


文章發表於 : 09年3月17日23:54 週二
cho cole
Walter Lee 寫:Colts had a Great chance to win this game. Fat Gor let Colts to has a PK during 2nd half time. Anyway Colts did not catch this chance to make a goal. So the final result was 0:0. :smt003

This game is league or cup

文章發表於 : 09年3月18日09:50 週三
Walter Lee
cho cole 寫:
Walter Lee 寫:Colts had a Great chance to win this game. Fat Gor let Colts to has a PK during 2nd half time. Anyway Colts did not catch this chance to make a goal. So the final result was 0:0. :smt003

This game is league or cup

This game is league. :smt020

文章發表於 : 09年3月18日22:50 週三
cho cole
Oh i see :smt006 :smt006

文章發表於 : 09年3月20日14:24 週五

是周暈得吖 vs 法國吻



文章發表於 : 09年3月20日20:19 週五
cho cole
都無乜變動! :smt018 :smt018

文章發表於 : 09年4月6日09:23 週一

非常教師個隊下年昇上來乙組 !!
