3 頁 (共 6 頁)

文章發表於 : 06年5月8日12:24 週一
:smt008 :smt008

11) Substitutions

It is not allowed to make sub(s) during TIME OUTs.

:smt018 :smt003

文章發表於 : 06年5月12日10:38 週五


Only the 10 referee signals illustrated in the

Futsal Laws of the Game can be used, and

should be made ONLY when the referee is

STATIONARY. (to avoid confusng or physical

dangerous to players whilst moving)

:smt007 :smt003

文章發表於 : 06年5月15日12:25 週一


When an indirected FK is given,

it should be signalled by both referees.

:smt003 :smt008 :smt002

文章發表於 : 06年5月15日14:02 週一
ahsir 寫::smt008 :smt008

11) Substitutions

It is not allowed to make sub(s) during TIME OUTs.

:smt018 :smt003

. Substitutions
Participants were reminded that it is not allowed to make substitutions during time-outs. Substitutions are allowed, as soon as the time-out is finished (even before the ball is in play again).

文章發表於 : 06年5月24日11:48 週三

14) The four-second count

Referees were reminded that this is mandatory

in the following situations :

- kick-in
- corner-kick
- goal clearance

It is recommended that referees should

clearly and visible count the 4 seconds

with their fingers

:smt007 :smt008 :smt007

文章發表於 : 06年6月2日14:52 週五

15) Subsequent responsibilities of R who whistles for a foul

The same R who whistles for a foul should
be the one who enters the pitch to administer
cautions, sendings off and to ensure the five
metre distance if required. In the latter case he
should clearly pace out the 5 m by walking
BACKWARDS from the ball...... tbc

:smt020 :smt020

文章發表於 : 06年6月10日12:06 週六

16) Confirmation of goal scored

The referee should confirm that a goal

is valid by giving one or two medium

lenght blasts on their whistle (no more).


文章發表於 : 06年8月17日14:03 週四
UEFA Referees Development Programme 2005

19. Basic principle
The basic principle of positioning should be that the two main referees maintain a position that keeps the ball between them at all times.

文章發表於 : 06年8月17日14:08 週四
cho cole
Of course!!!

文章發表於 : 06年8月18日11:12 週五
20. Control of play
During play one referee should control
the action area and the other the influence area,
with the aim of not having both referees looking
at the ball at the same time.


文章發表於 : 06年8月19日16:36 週六
21. Control of the goal line
It was noted that it is important to
have a good control of the goal line.
Consequently, at least one referee
should always be paying attention to this.

文章發表於 : 06年8月20日01:13 週日
cho cole
Waiting for 22,23,24,25......... :smt006 :smt006 :smt006

文章發表於 : 06年8月20日18:46 週日
22. Physical condition
Having a good physical condition will help referees stay in control
for the entire duration of a match and be in the best possible position
for making correct decisions. This also gives referee credibility.

文章發表於 : 06年8月22日09:38 週二
23. The referees concluded that they should warm up on the field of play forty minutes before kick-off. One minute before kick-off the first and second referees should check the goals, whilst the third referee checks the number of people on the benches, which according to the UEFA Futsal Regulations should be no more than six officials and seven substitutes. The first and second referees should also check the goals before commencing the second half of the match.

UEFA / Referees Committee / November 2005

:smt008 :smt008 :smt007 :smt007 :smt006

文章發表於 : 06年8月22日09:58 週二
cho cole
Warm up 40 mins :smt017 :smt017 :smt017